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of the



Section 1.  The name of this organization shall be the Farmington Chapter of UNICO National, deriving its existence and power through a charter granted by UNICO National, an Italian-American Service Organization.

Section 2.  The letters of the name UNICO are represented as:
            U - UNITY
            N - NEIGHBORLINESS
            I - INTEGRITY
            C - CHARITY
            O - OPPORTUNITY



Section 1.  The purposes for which this Chapter is formed are the same as those set forth in the Charter of UNICO National, to wit:
            a.  To stimulate the desire of each member to be of service to their fellow man and society in general.
            b.  To encourage high ethical standards in business and professions.
            c.  To quicken the interest of each member in the public welfare of their community, and to cooperate with others in its civil, social and industrial development.
            d.  To adopt, encourage and foster the motto of UNICO National:  "Service Above Self" - as a basic philosophy in all endeavors.
            e.  To assist UNICO National in its national programs.
            f.  To further the general welfare of the youth of the community with a special emphasis on areas and individuals whose social and economic conditions indicate need for assistance and to cooperate with all authorities and agencies in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.





The administrative fiscal year of the Farmington Chapter of UNICO National shall be from July 1 of any one year up to and including June 30 of the succeeding year.



Section 1. – Qualifications   Any adult possessing the following qualifications may be elected to active membership in this Chapter:
            a.  That he/she is an American citizen at least 18 years of age at the time of initiation.
            b.  That he/she is of Italian origin, or descent or have been adopted by person of Italian origin or married to a person of Italian origin or descent.
            c.  That he/she is of good moral character.
            d.  That he/she is resident of or have his/her place of business in the Town of Farmington, Connecticut or the Town of West Hartford, Connecticut/

Section 2. -  Duration of Membership         Membership in the Chapter shall endure for life unless terminated pursuant to provisions contained in Article V.

Section 3. -  Membership Classes
            a.  Life – Any person who had been an active member of this Chapter or any other Chapter of UNICO National for twenty-five (25) years and attained the age of seventy (70) years or more shall become a Life member.   He/she shall be exempt from dues; however, he/she shall enjoy all privileges and benefits of this Chapter.
            b.  Honorary Membership - Adults who have distinguished themselves by some outstanding unusual service, who do not otherwise meet the qualifications for regular membership, may be considered eligible for Honorary membership.   They shall be exempt from admission fees and dues and shall have no vote.  They shall be permitted to enjoy all the benefits of the Chapter.
            c.  Associate - An associate member shall have all the responsibilities, privileges and qualifications of an active member except that the chapter may relieve said Associate member of local attendance requirements and committee assignments and such Associate member shall not hold any office, nor vote in the chapter.  A person who is otherwise fully qualified in accordance with this constitution, but is not a citizen of the United States of America, may, upon the filing of an application to file a declaration of intention with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, apply for associate membership in a member Chapter.   Associate membership under this article shall be limited to 7 years from the date of filing said application.  An extension to this time limit shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the host chapter through a written recommendation from the District Governor of the host chapter of such application for such extension.

Section 4.  -  Application
            a.  Application for membership in this Chapter shall be submitted in writing on the official form provided for that purpose by the Chapter, which form shall conform with the application form provided by UNICO National.
            b.  Such application must be accompanied by an initiation fee as specified in Article XVI.

Section 5.  -  Method of Recommending New Members
            a.  A member desirous of bringing into membership a person who, in the member's estimation, has the necessary qualifications for membership in this Chapter shall submit the name, address and all background qualifications to the chairperson of the Membership Committee or Secretary of this Chapter on the official application form.
            b.  After screening and investigation by the Membership Committee, or any other committee created for that purpose, the application shall be referred to the Board of Directors, with the recommendations of the Membership Committee.
            c.  If the action of the Board of Directors be favorable, announcement of the application shall be made at the next regular meeting at which time application will be acted upon by the membership.
            d.  If the action of the Board of Directors is unfavorable, the application shall, in any event, be acted upon by the membership.

Section 6.  -  Method of Election of New Members
            a.  The Membership Committee shall submit a report on the application stating that it had screened the applicant received favorable action by the committee and by the Board of Directors and that it was ready for balloting by the members.
            b.  The vote of the membership on the application shall be by secret ballot and a majority vote of those present will be required for approval of the application.  A closed ballot may be dispensed with upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried.
            c.  An individual rejected may not be proposed again for a period of one (1) year from the date of the said rejection.
            d.  Within ninety (90) days after a candidate’s acceptance for active membership in this Chapter he/she shall present himself/herself for initiation at any regular or special meeting.  Dues as set forth in Article XVI of the Constitution shall be presented at this time.



Section 1. - Period
            a.  Membership shall endure for life except when terminated as herein provided.
            b.  Life membership shall endure for life.
            c.  Honorary membership shall endure for life except that the governing body (Chapter Officers and Board of Directors), for good and sufficient reason may at any time cancel the membership provided that each member of the Chapter shall have been served in writing with a notice of such action at least thirty (30) days in advance of the proposed termination.

Section 2. - Termination of Membership
            a.  Misconduct- The membership of any members who fail to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles and ethics of UNICO National or the civil laws, shall be terminated by the Chapter at a special meeting called for that purpose.  Members subject to termination shall be notified by service of such notice, either personally served upon them or such notice shall be sent to them by registered mail return receipt at their last known address, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.  A member subject to termination proceedings shall be given every opportunity to present full and complete defense and may be represented by counsel.  Termination action may be taken during the course of any meeting called for that specific purpose.  After all the evidence is placed before the membership, the vote on the member's expulsion shall be by closed ballot and shall be carried upon two-third (2/3) vote of the members present.
            b.  Non-Payment of Dues- Any member who fails to pay his/her regular dues within six (6) months from the due date shall be automatically dropped from the membership roll.  Any member who is in arrears for five (5) months in the payment of dues shall be notified by the Treasurer to an adjustment at the next meeting or be cancelled from the roll.
            c.  Resignation- The resignation of any member shall be in writing, addressed to the President, or recording Secretary, and shall be accepted by the Chapter.

Section 3.  -  Forfeit of Rights          Any member whose connection with this Chapter shall be severed by resignation, death, expulsion or otherwise, shall forfeit all interests in any funds or other property belonging to the Chapter.

Section 4.  -  Reinstatement             Any former member seeking reinstatement to membership, who has been dropped for non-payment of dues or for absence at meetings or has resigned, shall be regarded as a new applicant, excepting that all arrearages of dues, not more than one year, shall be paid before readmission to membership.



Section 1 - Regular General Meetings        This Chapter shall hold regular meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month unless otherwise designated.

Section 2 - Special Meetings
            a.  A special meeting may be called by the President for cause.
            b.  A special meeting may be called by a written request signed by at least seven members in good standing and directed to the President or Secretary.
            c.  Written notice at least five (5) days prior to the date of the proposed special meeting, must be sent to all members stating the purposes of the said meeting.

Section 3 - Board of Directors Meeting
            a.  The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at least one week prior to the regular meeting unless otherwise designated.
            b.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President for cause or at the written request of three (3) members of the Board of Directors, at least three (3) days prior to the day of the proposed meeting, stating the purposes of the said meeting.

Section 4.  -  Annual Meetings         The annual meeting shall take place at the regular monthly meeting in June of each year, unless otherwise designated.




Section 1 – Officers The elected officers of this Chapter shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, General Counsel, Sergeant-At-Arms, Delegates and Alternates and any other officers deemed necessary from time to time.

Section 2 - Board of Directors         The Board of Directors of this Chapter shall consist of all elected officers of this Chapter, the immediate Past President and five additional members to be elected from the general membership at the annual election of officers.

Section 3.  -  Qualifications
            a.  Each officer of this Chapter shall be an active member in good standing. In the case of delegates and alternates, no member shall be elected delegate or alternate who has not attended eight of the preceding year's regular meetings.  By attendance is meant actual presence and, therefore, excused absences shall count against attendance record for the purposes of determining eligibility to serve in this capacity.
            b.  A candidate for President or Vice President, in order to qualify for such offices, must have been a member of this Chapter for at least two (2) years prior to the time of taking such office.  (This section would not apply to a newly Chartered Chapter.)

Section 4.  -  Vacancy in Office        In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall immediately be elevated and fill the office for the unexpired term.  In the event that the offices of President and Vice President become vacant simultaneously, the immediate Past President shall, within thirty (30) days, call a special meeting, at which time these offices shall be filled, using regular election procedures as stated in this Constitution.  Any vacancy arising in any of the elective offices, other than in the office of President, shall be filled in the regular manner prescribed for elections to office at the next regular meeting, after which vacancy has been created.

Section 5.  -  Oath of Office              I (repeat name), sincerely believe in the principles and purposes of this organization, and I solemnly promise and swear on my honor to preserve, protect and defend its Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America.   I further promise and swear to discharge faithfully the duties of the office to which I have been elected, to the best of my ability, So Help Me God.

Section 6.  -  Nominations and Election of Officers
            a.  The President of this Chapter shall appoint a Nominating Committee, consisting of at least five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall be Past Presidents, at the regular meeting two months prior to the annual meeting.
            b.  The Nominating Committee shall meet and submit a slate of candidates for each office at the regular meeting immediately preceding the annual meeting at which time nominations for respective offices may also be made from the floor.
            c.  The Secretary shall advise the membership in writing of the names and members nominated for each office, at least ten (10) days before the annual meeting.
            d.  Elections shall take place at the annual meeting.  Such elections shall be by secret ballot where there is a contest and simple majority is necessary for election.
            e.  The officers shall take office July 1 following election and shall hold for one year or until their successors are elected.

Section 7.  -  Installation of Officers
            a.  The installation of the officers of this Chapter shall take place at the next regular meeting of the year.
            b.  The Installation Committee shall follow the ritual as prescribed for such purpose of UNICO National.


Duties of Officers

Section 1 - Duties of Officers
            a.  President:  It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Chapter; to appoint members of standing committees; to create such other committees and appoint members thereof as he or the members, deem advisable; and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to his / her office;  to attend District, Regional and National Meetings.
            b.  Vice President:  Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and assist the President in the performance of his/her duties.
            c.  Secretary:  The Secretary shall be the active managing officer of the Chapter, under the supervision of the President and control of the governing body.  The Secretary shall sign all documents and keep accurate record of members' attendance at meetings, and make a yearly report of activities on the occasion of the installation meeting.  He/She shall also make out all reports and fill out all forms of whatsoever nature required by UNICO National.  The Secretary shall mail out all notices for the Chapter and Board of Directors meetings.  He/She shall reply to all communications received by the Chapter, after receiving specific instructions from the membership.
            d.  Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall receive all monies and keep an account of same.  He/She shall send statements to all members for dues and registered letters for delinquent dues.  He/She shall deposit all said monies in the bank approved by the Board of Directors.  He/she shall place any, and all other, valuable documents, in a safety deposit box held in the name of the Chapter.
            e.  Sergeant-At-Arms:  Shall have custody of the paraphernalia of the Chapter, delivering the President's gavel, UNICO banner and membership identification pins and any other such items to all meetings.  He/She shall also assist in maintaining order and decorum at meetings when requested by the Presiding Officer.
            f.  Chapter Delegates:  Shall be the representatives of  the Chapter at all District and Regional meetings and at the annual Convention of UNICO National.
            g.  Chapter Alternate Delegates:  Shall serve as representatives of the Chapter, in the absence of the Delegates.

Section 2 - Duties of the Board of Directors
            a.  The Board of Directors shall have power to direct the policies and program of the Chapter and give tentative decisions on all business of the Chapter.
            b.  The Immediate Past President shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
            c.  The Recording Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Board of Directors.
            d.  The Board of Directors shall examine the books of the Treasurer annually at its May meeting, or at any time, when ordered to do so upon motion duly made seconded and passed by the membership.  The Board of Directors shall submit a written signed yearly report on the occasion of the annual meeting or when the newly elected officers are installed.
            e.  The Board of Directors shall discuss and make recommendations on any matters referred to it by the members at regular meetings.
            f.  The Board of Directors shall keep a complete record of its actions, and minutes of its meetings shall be read at the next regular meeting of the Chapter.  Any action not approved by the members may be held up for further discussions and action by the members or referred back to the Board of Directors for further consideration, or dropped as the majority of the members desire.   The minutes of the Board of Directors shall become a part of the minutes of the Chapter meeting, when read and acted upon, with notations of actions disapproved.
            g.  Any member has the right to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors, and shall have the power of expressing himself / herself, but shall have no right to vote.




            a.  All officers charged with the custody of Chapter property, paraphernalia and records must discharge reasonable care in keeping of same.
            b.  All officers in whose custody are Chapter property, paraphernalia and records, shall turn them over to their successor at the termination of their office.



Section 1 - Quorum
            a.  At regular or special meetings of the Chapter, a quorum shall consist of, at least, 25% of the members.
            b.  At regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors, a quorum shall consist of at least a majority of the board members.

Section 2. -  Order of Business
            a.  Regular Meetings
                        1.  Call to Order
                        2.  Salute to the Flag
                        3.  UNICO Prayer
                        4.  Roll Call of Officers
                        5.  Induction of New Members
                        6.  Reading of the Minutes of the Previous Session
                        7.  Reading of Board of Directors' Minutes
                        8.  Bills and Communications
                        9.  Reports of Committees
                        10.  Unfinished business
                        11.  Balloting on New Memberships
                        12.  New Business
                        13.  Good and Welfare
                        14.  Reports of Treasurer and Financial Secretary
                        15.  Adjournment
            b.  Special Meetings
                The order of business for a special meeting shall be limited to the discussion of the business for which
the meeting has been called.  Other matters may be discussed upon a vote of the majority.
            c.  Board of Directors Meetings
                        1.  Roll Call of Officers and Members
                        2.  Reading of Minutes
                        3.  Bills and Communications
                        4.  Reports of Committees
                        5.  Membership Applications and Balloting
                        6.  Unfinished Business
                        7.  New Business
                        8.  Good and Welfare
                        9.  Adjournment



Section 1 – Officers   All officers shall serve without compensation or remuneration.

Section 2 - Delegates and Alternatives
            a.  President, Delegates and Alternates to UNICO National meetings and annual Conventions may be compensated at the discretion of the Chapter.
            b.  All other representatives or members, of this Chapter attending any National or local function, or meeting, shall serve without compensation.



Section 1. - The regular business of this Chapter shall ordinarily be voted upon by either the show of hands or a viva-voce (via voice) method.

Section 2. - Acceptance, or rejection, of any candidate for membership shall, at times, be voted upon by employment of the closed ballot, unless the closed ballot is dispensed with as per Article IV, Section 6, of the By-Laws.

Section 3. - Election of officers of whatsoever type shall be by closed ballot.

Section 4. - The President may, at his/her direction, order a closed ballot vote upon any matter that is up for final consideration.

Section 5.
            a. Upon request of the Board of Directors, the President may, in case of emergency, direct the Recording Secretary to poll the general membership by mail on any question or questions brought to his attention, and upon which immediate action is deemed essential to the welfare of the chapter.  This shall be clearly and concisely put in the communication and provision made for the return of the assigned ballot.  All votes to be counted, when this method is employed, shall be in the hands of the Secretary within four (4) days after receipt of same.
            b. In an emergency, and upon request of the chapter President, the Secretary may be ordered to poll the members of the Board of Directors by telephone on any question within their power to act finally, or in order to authorize a special poll of the general membership as set forth in Section 5 (a) of this Article.



Section 1. – Names   The President shall immediately after his/her installation, appoint chairpersons for the following standing committees:
            a.  Budget & Finance Committee - The Treasurer and Secretary, along with such other officers or members as the President may see fit to appoint, shall serve as the Finance and Budget Committee.  It shall be their duty among other things, to set up and submit for adoption by the Chapter, an annual budget.  They shall also serve as advisory and at all times be alert to the financial problems of the Chapter, and after careful study make recommendations where such matters are involved.
            b.  New Projects Committee - It shall be the function of this committee to devise, approve and recommend methods of achieving the goals set forth by the Chapter.
            c.  Membership Committee - It shall be the function of this committee to direct all membership drives.   They shall investigate all candidates proposed for membership, of any classification, and recommend acceptance or refusal on the basis of their finding, at any regular or special meeting.  This committee shall be charged with the determination of the qualifications of membership where any doubt exists, and they shall further meet to conduct a proper investigation of any and all charges which may be placed against a member of whatsoever classification, and shall report their recommendations to the entire membership in all such cases.
            d.  Civic Awards Committee - This committee shall have the right to propose the issuance of various awards, subject to the approval of the general membership.  They shall be allowed to avail themselves of any and all technical assistance from outside sources in determining winners of any awards.
            e.  Publicity & Public Relations Committee - This committee shall be charged with the publicizing of all projects undertaken by the Chapter and shall, at all times, keep the welfare of the organization in the public eye.  It shall furnish all necessary news items to the UNICO National Magazine Editor.
            f.  Sickness & Distress Committee - This committee shall have the duties of providing regular visits to disabled members and will, in addition, be the instrumentality for any other form of assistance, which may be required by a member in distress, or his immediate family.
            g.  Expansion Committee - This committee shall carry out the expansion of the local organization, as well as recruiting other Chapters on a National level.
            h.  Mental Health Committee - This committee shall carry out the Mental Health program on a local as well as National level.
            i.  Scholarship Committee - It shall be the duty of this committee to program, direct and supervise all scholarship activities of the chapter and to coordinate its planning with the UNICO Foundation, Inc.  This committee shall cause to be distributed all notes, rules and awards in connection with the scholarship program.
            j.  Cooley's Anemia - This committee shall carry out the Cooley's Anemia program on a local as well as National level.

Section 2. – Chairpersons    These chairpersons shall have the power to select their groups and shall announce the names of the committee members at the meeting immediately following their appointment.

Section 3. – Size   These committees shall consist of, at least, five (5) members including the chairperson, of which, three (3) shall constitute a quorum, provided the chairperson be among them.

Section 4. - Presidential Status   The President of this Chapter shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees.

Section 5. – Meetings   All standing committees shall meet at the discretion of the chairperson, or when requested to do so by the President, the Board of Directors or the membership.

Section 6. – Reports   All standing committees must submit their reports in writing at the next regular meeting of all the general membership, following their own committee meeting.



Section 1. – Appointment   The President shall appoint any and all such committees or committee chairpersons, as he/she shall deem necessary at any time.

Section 2. – Reports   A special committee shall submit its report in writing at the completion of the project to which they have been appointed.

Section 3. – Size   Special committees shall consist of no less than three (3) members inclusive of the chairperson, but aside from this limitation, may comprise as many as the President or chairperson shall deem necessary.

Section 4. - Presidential Status   The President shall be a member of all committees and shall exercise his/her vote in case of a tie.



Section 1. - Budget
            a.  The Finance and Budget Committee shall, at the first meeting of the fiscal year, present to the Chapter a detailed budget, making appropriations for each of the items for which the Chapter must, or may, provide out of funds known to be in the possession of the Chapter or estimated to come into its possession during the ensuing fiscal year.
            b.  Said budget, either in its original or amended form, must be adopted by the Chapter and following its adoption, all expenditures of the Chapter during that fiscal year must be within the appropriations therein made.  There shall be no variations thereof except that funds may be transferred from one appropriation to another within the limits of the overall budget by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting, provided the suggested transfer shall have been mentioned in the meeting notice.
            c.  Said budget may include a dedicated contingent item to cover unforeseen emergencies of the Chapter.   This item shall be considered for practical purposes to be outside of the regular budget and appropriations from said item shall be made only after a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular meeting.
            d.  Any unexpended balances of appropriations contained within the budget for any one year shall be available for appropriation to the General Fund in the following fiscal year, in accordance with the budget adopted for that year.

Section 2. – Funds   There shall be legally established in the name of the Chapter, the following funds for the administration of which separate books, checking accounts and signatures shall be established.
            a. General Fund and General Projects Fund:  Monies appropriated under these funds shall be used for the operation of the Chapter and for certain other phases of its program as set forth in its annual budget.  Receipts and disbursements to this fund shall be administered by the Treasurer.

Section 3. - Method of Payment   All obligations incurred by the Chapter shall be paid for by check - same shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice President, after approval by the membership.

Section 4. - Incurring Obligations   No expense shall be incurred, no donation made, nor shall any obligation of any kind involving Chapter funds in excess of $100.00 be entered into, until same has been approved as set forth elsewhere in this Constitution.

Section 5. - Secretarial Expenses   The secretary shall be allowed, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to contract bills for sundry expenses, concurrent with the discharge of their duties, to the extent of fifty (50) dollars.

Section 6. - Investment of Funds   Funds of the Chapter may be invested in United States Government Bonds, banks or other similar institutions, provided said bank or other institution carries Federal insurance.  The Chapter's investment in any one bank, or similar institution, shall at all times be kept within the limits insured by that particular institution.

Section 7. - Incurring of Individual Expense   Members of the Chapter, whether serving upon committees or in their private capacity as members, shall not incur any expense in the name of, or for account of, the Chapter, without first obtaining approval as provided for under the provisions of this Constitution.





Section 1. -  The dues shall be such amount as may be fixed by three fourths (3/4) of the members duly called at a special meeting for that purpose and shall be payable in advance at the beginning of each fiscal year, which shall be July 1.

Section 2. -  The sum of $50 admission fee shall be forwarded to the National Treasurer's office of UNICO National, accompanied by the necessary information to the said office.

Section 3. -  Life Members in this Chapter shall be exempt from payment of dues.

Section 4. -  Honorary members shall be exempt from payment of dues.

Section 5. -  Members of the clergy, who are members of the Chapter, shall be exempt from payment of dues.

Section 6. -  Members in the active military service shall be exempt from payment of dues.



Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall be the parliamentary authority and guide in the conducting of all Chapter business functions not covered in this Constitution.




Section 1. - Voting Privilege
            a.  All members in good standing and all Life members shall have full power of voting on all questions. Section 2. - Method of Voting
            a.  Voting on routine business shall be by a majority vote of those present.
            b.  Voting on candidates for membership shall be by closed ballot and shall require a majority vote of those present.
            c.  Voting on candidates for elective office shall be by closed ballot where there is a contest, and election shall be by a majority vote of those present.



Section 1. - This Chapter shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office and shall not discuss, at any meeting, the merits, or demerits, of any candidate for public office.

Section 2. - The merits of any public question involving the social, economic, moral or physical welfare of the people may be fairly and intelligently studied and discussed at a Chapter meeting for the enlightenment of its members but this Chapter shall not take any action endorsing or condemning any measure which is to be submitted to the vote of the people.

Section 3. - The Farmington Chapter of UNICO National shall at no time, officially (direct or indirectly) endorse or recommend any candidate for public office, or shall political candidates or partisan questions of a political nature be acted upon at any Chapter meeting.

Section 4. - The merits of any public question, involving the social, economic, moral or physical welfare of the community, may be fairly and intelligently discussed before a Chapter meeting but this Chapter shall not take any action endorsing or condemning any measure which will involve the organization in partisan politics.

Section 5. - A candidate for public office may appear at a gathering of the members of the Chapter, before the meeting is officially opened by the President.  In such instances, the members are honoring the office for which the candidate is competing, and said candidate shall be forewarned that they shall limit their remarks to the office that he/she is seeking.   Said candidate shall be asked to excuse him/herself from the meeting headquarters should his remarks contain any personal prejudices.



Amendments to this constitution shall be made at any regular meeting by a two thirds (2/3) vote of those present and qualified to vote, provided that the amendment has been introduced in writing, and read at the previous meeting and notice has been given in writing of the proposed amendment to all members at least five (5) days before the said meeting and provided further that the said Amendment has been presented to the Board of Directors for discussion and recommendation.




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Web Content - Paul Moschella
Created for Farmington UNICO